3D Reconstruction meets Semantics 2018 – Invited speakers

  • Andrew Davison is a Professor at Imperial College London and the founding Director of the Dyson Robotics Laboratory at Imperial College. He held an ERC Starting Grant from 2008 to 2013. His research interest include advancing the basic technology of real-time localisation and mapping using vision with a particular focus on real-time dense reconstruction and tracking, large scale map optimisation, high speed vision and tracking, semantic and object-level mapping and the use of parallel processing in vision. At the Dyson Robotics Laboratory, he is working on applications of computer vision to real-world domestic robots.
  • Thomas Funkhouser is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Princeton University. Before coming to Princeton, he worked for four years on the technical staff at Bell Laboratories. His research interests include computer graphics, vision and human-computer interaction. He is currently working on 3D shape-based retrieval and analysis, including shape representations, descriptors and shape segmentation, which are used for multi-modal queries in databases of 3D objects.
  • Christian Häne is currently a PostDoc in Jitendra Malik’s group at the University of California at Berkeley. Previously, he was a PhD student at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Marc Pollefeys, where he made fundamental contributions in the area of semantic 3D reconstruction. His research interests include dense 3D reconstruction and the application of these methods to challenging scenarios, and real-time applications such as self-driving cars.