- Radim Tylecek - TrimBot2020: Autonomous Outdoor Gardening Robot Using Passive Vision (399 downloads)
- Radim Tylecek - Challenges in Autonomous Outdoor Gardening with a Robot Using Passive Vision (CTU Prague 2019) (270 downloads)
- Nicola Strisciuglio - TrimBot2020: an outdoor robot for automatic gardening (ISR 2018) (370 downloads)
- Michael Blaich - KTBL conference on Robotics und Automatisierung im Gartenbau 2018 (326 downloads)
- Radim Tylecek - TrimBot2020 Project Overview, APPIS Conference 2018 (694 downloads)
- Bob fisher - TrimBot2020: A gardening robot for rose, hedge and topiary trimming, ERF2016 (495 downloads)